WolfPack dog food

visual identity / packaging

WolfPack is a dog food brand in the ultra-premium category. This food is more friendly to dog digestion, equally for young and adult dogs. The recipe is based on research on the wolf’s diet. Brand main visual is the howling wolf with forest and the mountains in the back, communicating natural fresh high-quality ingredients like it was once in the wild.

Wolf Pack has a range of 2 cold-pressed dog formulas and about 90 dog snacks, wet food, supplements, and other dog products. Product line color coding is a common dog food color palette associated with the basic ingredient – meat.

Rebranding and new packaging design highlight the product on the shelf as a natural and healthy choice.

The design takes advantage of the natural elements in packaging material – multilayer paper, grange structures, and colors, and emphasizes the most important information using typography size and composition.


  • Pet Network SI d.o.o.

Creative team

  • Izvorka Juric (creative and art direction), Jelena Gvozdanovic, Izvorka Juric, Stela Kovacic (design), Jurica Kos (photography)

Awards and honors

published on 
Packaging of the World
2020, International