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Pravac na treću: Design Bureau Izvorka Jurić / HRT3, Editor: Jasna Coce

Press zone

Information for journalists

For Internet coverage, feel free to use the photos on our website and the links for downloading; just kindly make sure to mention the names of the studio and photographer (Design Bureau Izvorka Jurić / name of photographer).

If you need high-resolution photos or additional information or if you want to arrange an interview, please contact us directly on press@designbureauizvorkajuric.com

Printed coverage

Selected from print

Our projects were published in many professional journals. To mention the most relevant ones: Monocle, I.D., DesignWeek, Print, HOW, Novum, Branded, GDR creative intelligence, KAK, Colour Management for Logos, Graphis, European Graphic Design Portfolio, Creativity Awards Annual, ADI Graphic Design Annual, Israel Design Magazine, The Cool Hunter, The Dieline, The Lovely Package, Packaging of the World, Packaging Inspiration, Design & paper, Creative portfolio, The package design book, Retail design, Creativverpacken, Favourite design books, World Brand Design Society, Type scene book, The Appetizer magazine…